Hi I'm Chris,
Thanks for stopping by to have a look at SMILE:if you need a hand. Feel free to have a read about me and I hope you have enjoyed what you see.
I am the happily married to my wife Robyn (Sr. Therese COS) and we are blessed to have a 6 year old daughter, and I have the pleasure of being an at home dad.
Prior to our daughters birth I was a secondary school science teacher. The chemistry of "wet" photography got me hooked and I soon found that creating and capturing images held more attraction for me than an ionic bond.
During our daughters pre-school years I had a lot to do with Playcentre including the National Promotions team as Web Admin.
I have been a semi-professionalism photographer for 6 years and a member of both Hutt and Rotorua Camera clubs. Wanting to up-skill my Photoshop work in 2010, I started studying through SIT and since I have completed the requirements two diplomas in Digital Photography and Digital Film from SIT (Waiting on the formal graduation in Late 2013).
In 2012 I felt God was calling me to move away from Omega Photography (my photography business) and to use my skills as a as a form of ministry to the community, both Christian and non-christian.
So I set up the Facebook page and started using that to publish work that I had been doing in the community while I continued to study.
In early 2013 I had the privilege of taking photos for the Anglican Super Group and Anglican Youth Ministries for the 3rd year running. During that weekend I felt the call to start making my ministry more widely available, so here it is.
I'm still finding out where this is going to take me, so your prayers and encouragement is always appreciated.
Yours In Christ,